The aim of this gathering is to strenghen the links between the european facilitators. Musica do Circulo facilitators, circlesinging facilitators, you are welcome to have the opportunity to talk about our practise and about how to promote and spread vocal improvisation.
There will be time for singing, for talking, and free time for connecting.
Fontaine de l’Aube is my favorite place to Circlesing.
The huge main room AmAgilA is circle shaped and 118 sm.
The wooden floor, is very comfortable to sing, and I love the sound of this place.
We’ll have the whole builiding for ourselves, including, the beautiful AmAgil, another practice room, a meditation room and the dining area that is very cosy and beautiful too.
European gathering of facilitators
18-19-20-21 of March – Cadenet Luberon – Fontaine de l’Aube
25 spots
Participation to fees (renting, production, insurance, cleaning) 65 €
Housing from 50 € to 240 € for 4 nights
English speaking people only
MDC facilitators
Members of the well
Circlesinging facilitators
Chant pour tous facilitators
Your have to get an invitation from me to join the meeting, you can ask for it.
Fontaine de l’aube Cadenet, Vaucluse. 19-20-21
From Monday the 18th 20h00 to Tuesday the 21 th at night (depature on the 22nd, morning)
It’ll be possible to arrive on Sunday after the anniversary Weekend arrivals from 7 to 8 pm.
Monday, March the 18h Day off, night ON
After the weekend of celebration of the 12 years of chant pour tous, we might be tired and need time to « land » so that day will be free. We’ll gather together to sing after dinner at 8 pm.
Tuesday, March the 19th
9h30-11h00 Morning singing and movement
LUNCH 12h15
15h-16h : Small Group Talks
16h30-18h00 : gathering
DINNER 19h00
20h30-22h30 : Circlesinging
Wednesday March the 20th
9h30-11h00 Morning singing and movement
LUNCH 12h15
15h-16h : Small Group Talks
16h30-18h00 : gathering
DINNER 19h00
20h30-22h30 : Flow
Thursday March the 21th
9h30-11h00 Morning singing and movement
LUNCH 12h15
15h-16h : Small Group Talks
16h30-18h00 : gathering
DINNER 19h00
20h30-22h30 : Chant pour Tous
Bye bye !
There’ll be 4 lunches and 4 dinners together.
We’ll all cook for the group once and tidy/ clean once
For each meal Groups of 3 people will be in charge of the food.
It'll all be organic, vegan, and mostly lactose free
Housing fontaine de l’aube :
Dorms 25€/day 4 nights 100€
Camping 12€/day 4 nights 48 €
Single bed/room 2 beds 30 €/day 4 nights 120 €
Single room 60 €/day 4 nights 240 €
House cadenet
Camping 12€/day 4 nights 48 €
Single bed/room 2 beds 30 €/day 4 nights 120 €
Single room 60 €/day 4 nights 240 €
Food will be prepared by each of us, menus defined in advance
Fontaine de l'Aube,
Un écrin pour les belles rencontres et avancer vers soi.
Située dans le village de Cadenet, dans le Sud Luberon, "la Fontaine de l'Aube" nous accueille. Je suis très enthousiaste de revenir organiser unune rrencontre dans ce lieu magnifique qui porte de belles valeurs et où j'ai rencontré des personnes précieuses.
La grande salle, l'Amaglia a une acoustique magique pour chanter. Sa forme, son parquet et ses grandes baies vitrées en font un lieu où on se sent immédiatement bien.
Sur place, vous trouverez des terrasses face aux monts de la Trévarèse, au pied du Chateau de Cadenet. Une salle de méditation est à disposition des stagiaires, une tisanerie, une grande cuisine ouverte sur une salle à manger équipée d'un piano.
C'est un lieu propice à créer une belle connexion entre les personnes.